How To Use Essential Oils To Add Fragrance To Your Home
You might have heard of many benefits of essential oils. One thing that many people love about essential oils is the way that they smell, which is why they are often used to add fragrances to bath and body products. They can also be used to make your home smell nice, and many people like this option because you don't have to worry about all of the harsh chemicals that are in many home fragrances. These are a few ways that you can use essential oils to make your home smell good.
Add to Homemade Cleaning Products
Do you like making your own cleaning products? If so, you might like the fact that you are able to save money over buying commercially available products, and you also might like the fact that homemade, natural cleaning products are often better for the environment and safer for your family as well. If you miss the scents of your favorite commercially available cleaners, you should know that you can make your homemade cleaning products smell great just by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oils. In fact, you can mix and match scents if you want to so that you can create your own scents.
Use a Diffuser
You can purchase diffusers on the market that are designed to help you distribute the scent of essential oils throughout your home. For example, reed diffusers involve pouring a few drops of essential oils into a small container, then putting in long reeds or sticks. The essential oils are supposed to slowly "climb" up these sticks and let out a nice fragrance that you can smell throughout the room. Some of these diffusers are quite attractive as well, so along with adding scent to your home, they can add a touch of decor as well.
Add a Few Drops Here and There
Believe it or not, you don't need anything fancy in order to add the scent of essential oils throughout your home. Simply pouring a few drops in a bowl and placing the bowl on a table or elsewhere in the home can help. You can also add a couple of drops to your lightbulbs; then, when the light is turned on and the bulb gets hot, it can cause a nice fragrance to waft throughout your home.
As you can see, there are a few ways that you can use essential oils to add fragrance to your home. Try these tips, and you're sure to love the way that your home smells. You can go to sites like your favorite essential oil suppliers for more information.