Nothing is worse than learning that you have a life-threatening disease like cancer. Learn about how natural healthcare might help. Click here.

About Me
Enjoying The Healing Journey

Nothing is worse than learning that you have a life-threatening disease like cancer. In addition to wrapping your mind around the concept of near-certain death, you also have to endure the rigors of traditional treatment. However, you might be able to make things a little more bearable by taking advantage of natural healthcare practices. I know that it sounds crazy, but holistic methods can make your treatment more manageable, so that you can make your way through your therapies. Ancient methods like acupuncture, cupping, and energy re-direction really made my treatment peaceful, and I know that it can do the same for you.

How To Use Essential Oils To Add Fragrance To Your Home

19 April 2017
, Blog

You might have heard of many benefits of essential oils. One thing that many people love about essential oils is the way that they smell, which is why they are often used to add fragrances to bath and body products. They can also be used to make your home smell nice, and many people like this option because you don't have to worry about all of the harsh chemicals that are in many home fragrances. Read More …

Products You Can Expect To Find In A Medical Marijuana Wellness Center

15 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

With the wave of states that have decided to legalize medical marijuana, marijuana entrepreneurs are opening clinics and wellness centers to greet patients with marijuana products. If you live in one of these states that has made this decision, you will need to take your medical marijuana card into a marijuana store, clinic, or wellness center to pick up your medicine and products. Here is a sampling of the products you may see in a medical marijuana wellness center such as Solace Wellness Center. Read More …

4 Things To Know Before Treating Anxiety Disorders With Medical Marijuana

10 January 2017
 Categories: , Articles

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. From financial worries and job issues to family commitments and daily tasks, it is easy to see how so many people are affected by stress and anxiety. This everyday stress may be common, but it can lead to more involved anxiety disorders. Considering an estimated 40 million adults between the ages of 18 and 54 suffer with anxiety disorders, you may require treatment for severe anxiety at one point in time. Read More …

How Qigong Meditation Can Benefit the Way You Feel and Think

17 February 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Life can be busy, stressful, and demanding for many people, yet it never seems like there is a way to get around this. If you feel this way and cannot change your circumstances, schedule, or activities, you might want to consider using meditation to help you feel better. Meditation can be invigorating and beneficial for you physically and emotionally, and there are many forms of meditation you can use to obtain these results. Read More …

Easy Additions To Boost Your Nutrition

15 April 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you're like most people today you're thinking more about your health and well-being. You're ready to make some changes but don't know how. Maybe you're a busy single mother who struggles to muster up the energy to reheat leftovers at night for dinner, or maybe you're dealing with a disability, or life just seems to keep getting in the way. No matter what your situation is, there is literally no excuse that can get you out of implementing at least a few of these tips. Read More …